Why do I need new brake rotors?

One of our most popular articles from the past year was one that addressed a common question: Why does it seem like I need new brake rotors with every brake job?  Most of us learned to drive when it was the norm to “turn” the rotors, also known as machining the rotors, when we needed…

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Trivia: What to do when you slip on the ice with anti-lock brakes

Hong Kong Auto Service brakes

This winter has been full of snow and ice. If you hit a slippery patch on the road and your car has anti-lock brakes, you should: A. Throw on the hazards and turn the steering wheel violently from side to side. B. Pump the brakes hard and fast to the beat of your favorite tune.…

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Brake rotors ─ Why it seems like you need new ones every brake service

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rfciRq2JzU&w=560&h=315] Question: Traditionally, when I needed brake service, I’d go to Hong Kong Auto Service and you would machine the brake rotors. Now, you usually say I need to replace the rotors. We have three cars in the family, so we do our share of brake jobs. Why do we always need new rotors? Why…

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